Expertification expectation
I have been thinking a lot about what we think around who is expert. It seems to me like there is some sort of expectation around it. The more expectation the more it seems to limit progress. Is it really so dangerous to not always being the “expert”?
There are many who are at the digital top in our digital world. They have the “right” skills, educations, knowledge and what about the rest? Are they not matching in or?
One day when I was around the official area office arena, a big group of engineers came. One of them said to me with laughter: “aha so you work with teachers without borders online. Haha. Is it real? I have never heard about it in Sweden.” I told the man that I have been working with it for 15 years and to hundred per cent. The man continued: “… but you work with education… how can your students learn when they are online?” Another man working in other tech company said that he learned that most women are not interested in tech. I asked simply back: “so you work with software development?” The man got quiet and then replied: “yes we are consultants and we are engineers.” Really? That male behaviour reminded me about how weak they are behind masks. It was too much for them to see strong women direct themselves without men and doing something they don´t do.
I think it´s urgent that women at all ages get together and create own companies and concepts in all areas in digital world. To see a woman with courage to do stuff they don´t dare to do beyond their male group, can be tough. Many men are used to see women as bodies and their software. Who teach them this? Who is responsible? Who teach the men from early stage to behave like women are only bodies?
I have also met women who do think women are the only responsible for others comfort. Numbers of naked women in social media tells the story to. One of the biggest industries we see in the digital world. How does it affect women who don´t associate with it? Something we can make a research around.
Why do I have the need to write around this topic? It seems to me like there are STILL divisions between genders, subjects, who is expert or not, “wanna B tech best” and similar.
Do we learn from the beginning that there are hierarchies around who is best or not?
Can we get more variation in the creation when the stereotypes have so many forms?
What is wrong with doing what NOT all the others are doing? Why is mass behaviour still so important for some? Is it really helping people to make better companies, education, tech and health and other smart solutions?
Ok I am done here with my questions. I will seek up what expertification expectation is in the market. Time to take a break and leave the stereotype hype.
Greetings from Emma.