Emma Hedlund
3 min readJul 11, 2019


Great grandmother customer currency (GGCC)

As customers and even companies we can do so many things and some of them not. After trying to order product overseas through “famous” designer webshop, I realize the digital divisions when it comes to #care of #customers. Coming from old great grandmother times before Internet came to the world to save us, I can compare customer care with big C. Today we can buy things online faster than speedways and from anywhere in the world. Good huh? But, from own experiences I know how very poor the customer care is nowadays after several digital accidents. It´s like customer is no longer worth to listen to and gosh I am over 40:s and sound like great grandmother preaching about customers rights.

Example from online famous designer webshop from over seas after two weeks of not sending package:

Upgrade system says: NO.

Summer holidays says: NO.

When to send package says: don´t know.

Sending back money: don´t know.

Examples from above is quite boring answers. I am not sure if it was Robot standard upgrade system answering me on chat and mail, but the quality on communication presented communication: no.

Later I found a lot of other customers from other countries complaining about how this company has treated their order and also sent broken products and never cared about it. What´s the problem? What types of values does the funder have when customer is treated like garbage? Well, I have “some” power as customer to spread the digital word about this. If the company can´t respect human rights and have no respect for paying customers, they are not worth the time and money. I can understand we need Robots and AI to communicate and make admin easier + faster, but if if customer care is garbage low, then it´s time to shout out for customer rights!

During the time before Internet revolution solution I remember the small town in southern Sweden. It was market traditions there and you knew the funders of the companies in the town pretty well. They were like friends and family. It was not self clear to have customers and funders could go out official and really THANK their customers for backing up their ideas and visions. They listened to feedback face to face from the customer. Today, I don´t know any more what´s going on but I guess we trust AI and robots to take over customer care totally. Maybe it´s effective and cheaper but if I must wait on company upgrade systems and get low quality communication and broken product, it must be glitch somewhere in their views of customers.

As you understand I will never ever order from low communication currency with LOW C. I will as great grandmother digital D with capital caring C and sharing values never ever buy from pure nothing. Empty promises to customer is like lying to customer and who want to buy anything from nothing? So maybe the older markets are not so bad if they also are digital with big respect for human beings?

As customers in the global arena with big A we need to be educated pretty much since we never know when Robot says: NO.

/E in GGCC.



Emma Hedlund

Learning: everywhere. Born time before Internet. Freestyling not famous writer. Interdisciplinary. Stockholm+world. North side of the story. /E